Classic Inspection and Rolling Machines are the latest developments with up to date accessories and controls for efficient inspection and winding of all types of finished fabrics for working width 1800 to 3900 mm.

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Tubex Tube Rolling Machine are most versatile for fabric winding on pare or PVC tubes. The use of SCRAY (fabric accumulator) between the main process machine and the rolling machine, allows fast roll doffing without stoppage of main process machines.

Master Double Fold Lapping / Rolling for double folding and lapping of fabric on flat boards, wooden frames or round tubes. Its designed to wind fabric from a full width roll or open stack. Most suitable for wholesale distributors, fabric manufactures, big warehouse and garment industry.
Welcome to Trueshape Engineers
textile machines and accessories of high technology
TRUESHAPE ENGINEERS is a manufacturing company specializing in textile machines and accessories of high technology. As textile manufacturers look for new technologies that will push them ahead in their industries, we invite them to turn us for assistance.
who are we
We Use Professional Equipment
We have detailed our work routines from the inquiry to the final stage. Words like Who, What, When become incredibly important to ensure a good flow of work.
Our services include installation of new machines, training of operators for its use and assistance when problem arises. This also includes holding spares in stock to provide quick action on complaints and breakdowns.
Some of Our
TRUESHAPE comes to the rescue of some of the world’s best Textiles Manufacturing and /or trading companies and consultants. They have deadlines and need our help! We help enhance the Storage efficiency of their warehouses.
Our customers are leaders who use OUR MACHINES & EQUIPMENT to keep improving the product quality . We are there when needed. They appreciate the way we learn their needs, keep their information safe and rapidly deliver on-time. They trust us. They count on us. And we appreciate them.

Inspection & Mending Machinery
Classic Inspection and Rolling Machines are the latest developments with up to date accessories and controls for efficient inspection and winding of all types of finished fabrics for working width 1800 to 3900 mm.

Comet Flat Top Rolling & Cutting Machine
Comet Flat Top Rolling & Cutting Machine to roll fabric from one roll to anther for measuring, cutting or inspection, especially for small fabric cut length.

Master Double Fold Lapping & Rolling Machine
Master Double Fold Lapping / Rolling for double folding and lapping of fabric on flat boards, wooden frames or round tubes. Its designed to wind fabric from a full width roll or open stack.
Choose the Machines as per your need
With over 600 units installed in various parts of India and the world, our team has solutions for all your needs.
To provide quality machines, we have trained and experienced staff , who are committed to provide the highest quality products. |
- Over 300+ Clients
- Over 600 Units Installed
- Exported to 10+ Countries
- High Quality Machines